Core Banking

Looking for a core banking solution that is reliable and secure, Finstack is an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes. With its comprehensive features and advanced security measures, We provide a secure and reliable core banking solution that will let you manage your finances with ease.

Why Core Banking with Finstack?

  • Blue-green deployment process ensures no downtime
  • All APIs are versioned, major versions are used for breaking changes.
  • New feature or maintenance releases do not impact client operations
  • All OS patching is carried out by AWS on the underlying infrastructureRegular third party penetration testing, coupled with daily code security scanning tools like Snyk

De-risking and accelerating Implementation

Using Finstack core banking services, transformations are speeded up by 25%. As a part of a proven asset and accelerator suite, You will receive reusable templates, processes, guidelines, and tools; an integrated banking reference architecture; standard processes, architecture blueprints, and integration patterns, test automation suites, and numerous banking test cases that can be reused.

Industry Experts

We have experts in the industry who have a strong understanding of the core banking technologies and products available and we have a good reputation and a track record of success in the industry. We have a better understanding of the regulatory and compliance requirements around core banking. We can help banks identify risks and ensure they are compliant with the applicable regulations.

Experience the reliability and security of Core Banking with Finstack today.