AMLs/Transaction Monitoring

We developed an AML solution that helps financial institutions reduce their compliance costs while still complying with AML regulations. The solution uses advanced machine learning algorithms and big data analysis to accurately detect money laundering activities. This allows Finstack to reduce the number of false positive alerts by up to 30%, which means less time spent on investigations and less compliance costs.

Finstack’s AML Solution

  • The Finstack AML solution is suitable for a wide range of financial institutions, such as exchange houses, banks, fintech, asset management firms, and other financial service providers.
  • It is designed to be easily integrated into existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.
  • It also offers comprehensive reporting capabilities and comprehensive Customer Due Diligence (CDD) features that help financial institutions meet their AML compliance requirements.

Reduce the number of false positive alerts by
up to 30%, with Finstack’s Anti Money Laundering Solution